Inspired by the resolution standard of blogger
Chris Brogan, I have decided on my three words to "revolutionize" 2013.
Especially when embodied by the RCHS program, I have a tendency to get stressed out and over organize my life, not really living it. Before I know it I'm into the exact same routine every day. This word is to inspire me to take it slow and live life while I'm still young.
This year I'd like to spend my time growing, not just one way or another. I seek to grow spiritually in my relationship with God, grow my friendships (make new friends, but keep the old), and and grow in my maturity as I prepare to go to "big girl college" in the fall.
I had a rough time in 2012 prioritizing. I would stay up late making cupcakes for a friend instead of doing the homework assignment due the next day, or go hang out with friends instead of taking care of a major project. This year I seek to prioritize my life and set things straight.